The Principal´s Message

As a graduate in “Administración de Empresas” from the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana,and teacher in that same institution for more than 10 years, I understand that one of the main challenges of our times is to determine and apply new teaching strategies to feed the education quality, and the full forming of the students all around the world. Human quality and its development is the core of the principals, because in this, no doubt, more righteous societies are built, with a better understanding of its surroundings.

A lot has been spoken of education of quality, but very Little has been done to that respect, we continue finding deep voids on science and technology, and also has  been forgotten the importance of the inclusion of family values, and other fundamental values as well; as it is respect, tolerance, that been absent, we see situations in the scholar sphere like thebulling, which is a form of violence. We also see school desertion, which interrupt the possibility of maximizing the potential and talent that in every human been exist by nature. For this reason, in Via Novus International High School, we develop, and propose a new educational paradigm, motivating and that facilitate to the students to capture the interest, and in this way help them to reach out their personal and educational objectives, with the satisfaction of the acquired learning with enjoyable meaning.

Thinking in some short expression that could represent  the high and transcendent challenge of our educational institution, in which we have our effort to live in every moment of our lives, it came this distinctive phrase: “Educar en la Verdad, Fortalece la Libertad” (“Educating in the Truth, strengthen freedom”)


General Principal

Dr. Ramón Guzmán Moreno

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